
Why are you being so polite calling this "Trudeau's immigration policy". This is nothing more than the Cloward Piven strategy at work here. Flood the country with illegals, collapse the social network, increase the national debt to unsustainable levels then march in authoritarian controls. We have all seen the movie by now?

To say that John Rustad is standing up to Trudeau is a falsehood. If any politician had the courage, they would actually expose what is going on in an attempt to stop sending tax dollars to Ottawa. BC as a province have the power to do all of this but they are all part of the same program. They are all bribed, coerced, threatened to take any action and therefore, it all carries on under the guise of keeping the lie alive as they flood the county with illegals in the ongoing attempt to collapse the system in Canada. If enough people don't call if what it is, we will become a failed state, which we are well on the road to achieving.

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I am gobsmacked at how WEAK our Opposition Politicians are across the country. The Liberals brought Mark Carney, WEF Globalist extraordinaire, in to speed up the Cloward Piven strategy that has been implemented across Canada. I am also gobsmacked at the complacency of the populace…do they not READ or SOURCE news from reliable sources OTHER than the bought and paid for Canadian news outlets? We are being CONNED on a massive level from a TAX on something that is NOT a problem (C02 is PLANT FOOD), to attacking our farmers saying fertilizer is BAD (not) to killing our Energy Industry, soon they will be going after our water. And when did Government, especially one led by a TWIT, get to decide on pipelines and completely undo massive industries like the auto, electric grids and natural resources? We have a DRAMA/Snowboard WEF led-by-the-nose, teacher in charge! That has turned into the nightmare we should have seen coming from day one! The goal, as Mr. Draper said, is to impoverish this once great country, bring us to our knees so the people (WEF) who created this mess can bring in the National Guard as our saviours and ‘fix’ the massive problems they created. Except they will not fix anything. It will get worse. Wake Up Canadians!

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Expose the Conservatives for who they are, Traitors. Rona Ambrose, Jean Charest, Stephanie Kusie and Jeffery Epstein are all former members of the Trilateral Commision. Epstein and upstanding guy I hear.

Kusie is a current member. The role of the Commiasion. One World Governent. They don't even hide their contempt for Canadians and the Country. The Cons brought us FIPA hence the Chinese police stations. Receipts.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilateral_Commission

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WOW. Thanks, I am going to read up a bit more on that.

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Here is another Traitor to Canada. Canadian Conservative MP Michelle Rempel has a tweet dated Sept 22, 2017 bragging about being with the WEF Executive Klaus Schwab starting her  final day at UNGA2017 with the Young Global Leader community.  Is she working for an unelected foreign entity?  Is she  in a conflict of interest?  Unfortunately I can't post the tweet and the censorship is heavy on Youtube.....  Can you explain..  Send me your Parliamentary email and I will send the tweet.


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So I read all of the link you included. Very interesting but on first pass my impression is that the majority of the people involved, past and present, are Liberal (including Jean Charest) and Democrats, the usual crew, many probably WEF and Bilderberg members, too. Not many Conservatives in that group, just the usual elitist Liberal globalists. Rockefeller and Kissinger seemed to have their hands in every globalist pie. They and the Rothschild family are the real traitors, IMHO.

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Ambrose, Charest and Kusie are as Conservative as Doug Ford. lol. Did you note the disclaimer on the Trilateral website. Public Servants are not allowed. I see all kinds of 3 letter agencies big wig on the list. Spread the word. They are Traitors to Canada and her People.

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Dan, Has Rustad mentioned the 11 Communist Traitors in HoC working for the CCP?

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Payback for Traitor Terrorist Singh for allegedly pulling his coalition agreement 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Expose the Conservatives for who they are, Traitors. Rona Ambrose, Jean Charest, Stephanie Kusie and Jeffery Epstein are all former members of the Trilateral Commision. Epstein and upstanding guy I hear.

Kusie is a current member. The role of the Commiasion. One World Governent. They don't even hide their contempt for Canadians and the Country. The Cons brought us FIPA hence the Chinese police stations. Receipts.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilateral_Commission

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Expose the Conservatives for who they are, Traitors. Rona Ambrose, Jean Charest, Stephanie Kusie and Jeffery Epstein are all former members of the Trilateral Commision. Epstein and upstanding guy I hear.

Kusie is a current member. The role of the Commiasion. One World Governent. They don't even hide their contempt for Canadians and the Country. The Cons brought us FIPA hence the Chinese police stations. Receipts.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilateral_Commission

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Ummmm, benevolent leader is doing to this to ALL the Provinces.

Even though Jughead broke off the engagement, he is still in it with a "friends with benefits" plan, namely his pension. Ripped up the agreement, but won't vote NO Confidence.

However, benevolent leader still turned to the Bloc for a NEW coalition, and that price tag included shipping a sh*t load of immigrants OUT of Quebec and into every other Province.

Alberta Premier already said ya, no, we're closed.

Eby won't cuz he's owned.

Rustad NEEDS to win this upcoming election.

Haven't heard what the other Provinces are doing yet.

benevolent leader and his caucus of bobbleheads NEED to be Fired!

COMMON SENSE NEEDS to make a full comeback with full impact.

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Expose the Conservatives for who they are, Traitors. Rona Ambrose, Jean Charest, Stephanie Kusie and Jeffery Epstein are all former members of the Trilateral Commision. Epstein and upstanding guy I hear.

Kusie is a current member. The role of the Commiasion. One World Governent. They don't even hide their contempt for Canadians and the Country. The Cons brought us FIPA hence the Chinese police stations. Receipts.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilateral_Commission

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Why not simply load them all on trains to Ontario or to Quebec? What's the worst that could happen?

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Expose the Conservatives for who they are, Traitors. Rona Ambrose, Jean Charest, Stephanie Kusie and Jeffery Epstein are all former members of the Trilateral Commision. Epstein and upstanding guy I hear.

Kusie is a current member. The role of the Commiasion. One World Governent. They don't even hide their contempt for Canadians and the Country. The Cons brought us FIPA hence the Chinese police stations. Receipts.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilateral_Commission

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Canadian Conservative Official Leader Of The Opposition Pierre Poilievere said he would remove all WEF Young Global Leaders (YGL) who graduated Marxist indoctrination with WEF Klaus Schwab from his shadow Government. He Lied. Right from the horse's mouth.


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Canadian Conservative Official Leader Of The Opposition Pierre Poilievere said he would remove all WEF Young Global Leaders (YGL) who graduated Marxist indoctrination with WEF Klaus Schwab from his shadow Government. He Lied. Right from the horse's mouth.


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