Parliament is shut down, the economy is in crisis, and Pierre Poilievre needs to stop sloganeering and start leading. Canada doesn’t need another politician—it needs a leader with a war plan.
Poilievre isn’t a force of nature like Trump and his MAGA base. Canada does not have a core group of citizens willing to fight for their constitution with rights granted by God. Do you think Canadians are going to do the same? The Charter of no rights and fuck your freedom, because EMERGENCY. Our rights are granted by government (or the sovereign) and as was quite recently shown, to be utterly MEANINGLESS. Oh no, smelly truckers. War measures act! Beat on protesters with clubs, tear gas them and ride over them with horses. All while legacy government funded media cheers on.
The rules based international order is dead. Rip globalism. It’s now spheres of influence and we were always part of the USA orbit, left alone as long as we were good neighbours. Of which we no longer are. The Trudeau’s love affair with the CCP has put us in jeopardy and threatening to cut off oil? Not a good idea. Notice how the oil pipelines never seem to get built on the west coast but they all go south to Uncle Sam? It’s no accident.
Yet we huff and puff about sovereignty? Our leaders just got caught being manipulated by hostile foreign powers and we just shrug when they say “trust us” and state media buries it.
We are in for a rude awakening. And don’t get me started on the sudden it’s great to be a Canadian patriot! They spent the last 10 years turning us into a post nationalist state where patriotism was racist and would offend newcomers.
Dear UnvaxxedCanadian: Thank you for this, I wish every Canadian could read your very poignant post. Everything you wrote is compelling. We need a very strong leader that sees and feels the problems that we face. What the Liberal government did to our citizens during the peaceful protest, Freedom Convoy, is an attrocity and I am ashamed of Trudeau and his cabal. I am even more ashamed of the CCP style censorship and the paid for MSN (CBC) etc. that has taken away our God given Canadian freedoms. I am so sick of hearing "oh I follow the news on CBC, etc.", the mass formation psychosis forming cabals of the Trudeau family and friends. Carney is coming, be careful who you vote for!
I feel there is no hope left--people continue to put down the freedom lovers, laugh at them, thereby plaguing free speech and spewing their Liberal/globalist dogma. We need help badly, strong allies to fight 'CCP' lover Trudeau and his globalists who want to take over our Canada--and I do not mean the USA.
Also - banning companies unless they buy our oil - what happened to the free market? I thought conservatives liked free enterprise and private property. The Republicans are tossing it out the window to grovel before their dear leader, I don't see how that makes sense for Canada, an exporting nation.
The media is playing us and the liberals are playing us.
We know that the lib party is going to conduct the coronation of Carney.
Here's the thing with Carney, and, you don’t have to be a genius to follow the dots.
1. In 2020, Mark Carney was appointed United Nations special envoy for climate action and finance. The plan was to weaponize finance so that anyone who didn't agree with the UN's concept of climate action the UN could hold countries/corporations/banks and people hostage by threatening their livelihood.
2. Carney also started working for Trudeau during the pandemic
3. Truckers Convoy...Carney/Trudeau/Freeland = weaponizing finances by scaring people who gave to a group that they agreed with, even if it was just $50.00, the fear that their bank accounts would be frozen.
Where did you get the term “bully”? Media. The media ecosphere we are learning is literally being paid for by the US deep state. Wikileaks found USAID were funding 6500 journalists worldwide. And there is a new discovery of “INTERNEWS” which might/will go even deeper.
We are all being manipulated. Check another conspiracy turned fact. WILD TIMES
Such a shame ppl continue to blame Trump for everything, they need to check their sources of their negative thinking (the Deep State did a number on the general population) so very sad
Name calling the duly elected, by a landslide, leader of the free world who is currently reshaping the global economic landscape to benefit citizens a bully is childish. You embarrass yourself.
Trump is putting a stop to supporting other democratic countries. This is well within his right. The US has carried the load since the second world war and is just plain tired of being the country where the lives of young Americans are lost in a fight that is not relevant to the people in the US. He is probably equally tired of everyone hating the US.
You're right on all counts, however there's another road block you didn't address.
Until we have a PM with the stones to tell Quebec to either cooperate fully or get out, for real, all we will see is some half assed, watered down version of all the things you mention.
💯 Quebec is sitting on billions in minerals but somehow position themselves as a have not province. They’re taking billions in transfers while blocking Western resource development and inter-provincial trade. It’s time to call their bluff.
yes, Billions upon Billions and they do not play well in the Sand box with others. They want what's theirs and everything that belongs to every Province benefitting ONLY themselves a Separatist Province. They should not share in the wealth of other Provinces unless they share what's theirs. End of Story. End of Quebec Separatists
I clearly remember the 1995 separatist referendum and how upset I was at the thought of Quebec leaving the confederation. I will most definitely not feel that way 30 years later if such a referendum were to happen again. In my job I've worked on legal matters involving French Canadians and they're no different than natives, sorry to say. I bet the drafters of the Charter never ever imagined the uses to which the legal system would put certain sections to the detriment of Canadians.
Canada is a failed experiment. The federal government, be it liberals or conservatives, can't exist without kowtowing to Quebec. It would be political suicide to change the constitution to allow all provinces to be treated equally.
The west should leave (peacefully, preferably) so that they aren't dragged down by the Laurentian Elites.
Poilievre is just the leader of the opposition at the moment. Why should he open his kimono, so to speak, and give the Liberals -- i.e., Carney -- all his great ideas. Poilievre is no dummy.
The Rothschilds gave Carney all his ideas. He’s the perfect globalist puppet, like Trudeau only Trudeau’s IQ couldn’t boil water. Go watch The Canadian Illusion on UTube and folks will see why Canadas the way it is. We’re nothing but a colony country of Britain
Good article. Really like the proposals you've made. Specifics are good.
My two cents for what it's worth. There's a process in place re: the upcoming election. Pierre and team have to keep this at the front of their minds. When the time is right, they will articulate the specifics.
Keep in mind we're running a marathon. Every time Trump or someone else goes off half-cocked, we can't fly off the handle and spout off. We'll quickly exhaust ourselves. We need a well-thought-out plan that gets us through the next two years and then the next five. If the CPC need two to three months to pull this together, that's fine. It just needs to be ready for the next election.
As for comments on this thread about Pierre not being a leader or not being populist enough, folks, remind yourself that about 80-90 percent of Canadians are in the centre of the political spectrum. This notion that Canada would ever get behind someone like Max Bernier is fantasy. The best we can hope for is a right-of-centre politician like Poilievre.
He's imperfect, to be sure, but when you compare him to Sheer, O'Toole and some of the other "conservatives" out there, he looks downright Maggie Thatcher.
Canada is not the US. That kind of freedom is just not in our DNA, so we have to make do with what we have, and Pierre is what we have at the moment. My sense is he's for economic dynamism, pushing back on the woke bullshit, and rebuilding Canada's military and institutions. As a right-of-centre conservative myself, I know we could do a whole lot worse.
Sorry Dan. Much of what you’ve said is right on, but fundamentally you’ve missed the point too. This is not about a trade war. That’s how Trudeau wants to frame it for support from the Trump deranged crowd. This is nothing more or less than what Trump said it was about. Vet our immigrants, control our borders, and stop the fentanyl flow to US. Done. No trade war.
Wow this is dynamite and right on target and hopefullhy Pollievre will see it and respond with everything you have mentoned he needs to take action and not try being nice and yes his slogans are getting a little old and tired let's see some real action and kick Trudeau's ass out the door and Ottawa
WOW well said ! It seems to me you are inviting Mr. Pollievre to take on the manner of Mr. Trump.
This is what needs to be done so lets just get at it. And you are correct. Most Canadians are afraid of their own shadow when it comes to politics and dealing with the medical profession. That's why we're in a deep hole with very straight sides. Canadians have to be NICE. NOT. If we don't quickly learn that as a people , never mind our leaders needing to learn it, we will cease to be Canada . We will become the "51st state " bc Mr. Trump wants what we've got in terms of natural resources , and he will get them if we don't wake up ,speak up and walk our talk.
The Premiers need to take your advice and stop going to Washington to beg and stay home and take care of the things that need to be taken care of. Quebec has to be told to either row with the rest of us or get out of the boat.
Great piece. Fully appreciate, respect and understand your righteous indignation.
However, you forgot the part that Twinkie and Carnivore are now wanting to join the EU. If China doesn't get to own "Canada," [they] are willing to sacrifice it to the EU. (This is when you picture Lord Farquar in Shrek willing to personally sacrifice the people). So basically, joining the United States of North America - BAD, cuz Orange Man, but, joining the EU - good. One can almost picture Ursula von de Lyin' licking her chops at this proposal.
Also, President Trump just signed the Deal of the Century with Japan regarding oil/gas, so there's that. Apparently he DID see a good business plan with this, eh.
In the case of President Trump being able to annex "Canada" being real (per Twinkie's open mic slip), tis weird how Poilievre is ALSO saying it.
"Canada" the Nation is an illusion.
"Canada" the Corporation is real.
Have ya dug on that fact yet?
Also, explain WHY it is such a bad thing to become part of the Greatest Nation on Earth that has:
- A Constitution with Teeth.
- A True Bill of Rights (NOT a Charter).
- A Plan to abolish income tax.
- A Plan to go back to sound, gold backed money.
- A Plan to bring prices down to resemble 1955 ones, where Mom got to stay home (her choice) to raise their children, and Dad didn't have to bust his balls in two jobs to pay for groceries.
- A Military that means business. Serious Business.
- REAL Patriotism.
- and is right now baring the bones of horrendous gubment over-spenditures. Yunno, to protect The People from being consistently hosed in a BY DESIGN (since 1913 in America, 1917 in "Canada") plan to keep them in impoverished slavery waiting in line for handouts and fully controlled.
a) The People - world wide - are about to find out EXACTLY how that all accommodated Human Trafficking, especially Children. Fasten your seat belts on this one and seriously, Hang Onto GOD!!
b) Up next - the IRS, NGOs, Foundations (think CF here), the Pentagon/DoD (911 exposure - where DID all those stolen TRILLIONS of dollars go?), the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, anything that has anything to do with the Global Initiative and the Green New SCAM, Medical, Insurance, Media, etc.
If you think for one minute "Canada" was a not a part of all of this, think again. May wanna do the way back machine to discover Global Affairs Canada's part in all of this and exactly how they promoted all the things the demonrats did, such as the alphabet soup mix, which was NEVER about LGB rights.
Interesting how Uranium One is coming into the news these days. When it was sold (and top skimmed) from the States, I wonder where the "holding facilities" were located before heading on over to nefarious places?
This is a bigger spider web than most can fathom or even understand, by design
Far bigger than getting Pierre to act like a Warrior for a nation that does not exist.
Dude: We want the Truth!
Other Dude: You can't HANDLE the Truth!
The People: Yes! Yes we can! We want the Truth, the WHOLE Truth, and nothing BUT the Truth!
So be it!
The Naked Truth is arising from the Well of Silence, with Purpose.
The Finely Dressed Lies, having being followed for decades by those enamored with the exquisite and expensive silks, linens and jewels, have had their day ridiculing the Naked Truth.
The Naked Truth has never promised to be pretty or easy to look at, but it does promise to showcase the tattered rags and faux pas gems of the Finely Dressed Lies.
We are here.
It is going to be a "Truman Show" exposure, mixed in with the The Matrix.
Place your trays in their upright positions, place all personal items under your seat, fasten your seat belts securely, and HOLD ON!
Theres no real opposition in Canada. It’s a leftist uniparty that’s been captured at all levels by numerous entities - CCP, WEF, UN, etc. The country is so broken. Thinking that electoral reform is going to fix it is magical thinking at this point
I recall in late 2020 when I said “it’s going to have to get much worse before people wake up”. I’m not sure how much worse it can get. Perhaps people it’s still not tangible or real enough for people. Maybe they need to personally experience the things coming down the pipeline before they do something. But even then, what do they/we do? At this point I think the best thing we can do is work locally, get ourselves in optimal health (mental, emotional and physical), detach from the system as much as possible and be there for people when the shit really hits the fan.
Pierre is having a rally, February 15th, and the expectation is that he will outline, in more detail, his plan. This rally seems to be the start of the election campaign, so lets hear what he has to say.
While I do understand the point the author makes overall, the problem with the thesis is that Trump is not the problem. That ignores the fact that there is a freely negotiated agreement in place for free trade, which was negotiated and lauded by Trump. It would be totally legitimate for any of the parties to that agreement to indicate they don't want to renew and also to make a deal to exit.
You can still get audio clips of the President claiming it was the best deal ever negotiated. Was that wrong?
I just heard Poilievre speak….that is exactly what he is promoting - Canadian independence. He wants more internal trade between provinces and trade with other countries besides America. He wants more pipelines and LNG so our oil and gas can go to world markets.
Why would Pierre outline his entire plan when every minor idea that he’s proposed the Liberals have stolen and run with it? He’s got to wait for election campaigning. Otherwise the Libs will just put his ideas in place to win an election and then destroy Canada once and for all.
Poilievre isn’t a force of nature like Trump and his MAGA base. Canada does not have a core group of citizens willing to fight for their constitution with rights granted by God. Do you think Canadians are going to do the same? The Charter of no rights and fuck your freedom, because EMERGENCY. Our rights are granted by government (or the sovereign) and as was quite recently shown, to be utterly MEANINGLESS. Oh no, smelly truckers. War measures act! Beat on protesters with clubs, tear gas them and ride over them with horses. All while legacy government funded media cheers on.
The rules based international order is dead. Rip globalism. It’s now spheres of influence and we were always part of the USA orbit, left alone as long as we were good neighbours. Of which we no longer are. The Trudeau’s love affair with the CCP has put us in jeopardy and threatening to cut off oil? Not a good idea. Notice how the oil pipelines never seem to get built on the west coast but they all go south to Uncle Sam? It’s no accident.
Yet we huff and puff about sovereignty? Our leaders just got caught being manipulated by hostile foreign powers and we just shrug when they say “trust us” and state media buries it.
We are in for a rude awakening. And don’t get me started on the sudden it’s great to be a Canadian patriot! They spent the last 10 years turning us into a post nationalist state where patriotism was racist and would offend newcomers.
The media is playing you. Don’t fall for it.
Dear UnvaxxedCanadian: Thank you for this, I wish every Canadian could read your very poignant post. Everything you wrote is compelling. We need a very strong leader that sees and feels the problems that we face. What the Liberal government did to our citizens during the peaceful protest, Freedom Convoy, is an attrocity and I am ashamed of Trudeau and his cabal. I am even more ashamed of the CCP style censorship and the paid for MSN (CBC) etc. that has taken away our God given Canadian freedoms. I am so sick of hearing "oh I follow the news on CBC, etc.", the mass formation psychosis forming cabals of the Trudeau family and friends. Carney is coming, be careful who you vote for!
I feel there is no hope left--people continue to put down the freedom lovers, laugh at them, thereby plaguing free speech and spewing their Liberal/globalist dogma. We need help badly, strong allies to fight 'CCP' lover Trudeau and his globalists who want to take over our Canada--and I do not mean the USA.
You are 100%. Right. Canadians will never revolt!! Too busy working!
Also - banning companies unless they buy our oil - what happened to the free market? I thought conservatives liked free enterprise and private property. The Republicans are tossing it out the window to grovel before their dear leader, I don't see how that makes sense for Canada, an exporting nation.
The media is playing us and the liberals are playing us.
We know that the lib party is going to conduct the coronation of Carney.
Here's the thing with Carney, and, you don’t have to be a genius to follow the dots.
1. In 2020, Mark Carney was appointed United Nations special envoy for climate action and finance. The plan was to weaponize finance so that anyone who didn't agree with the UN's concept of climate action the UN could hold countries/corporations/banks and people hostage by threatening their livelihood.
2. Carney also started working for Trudeau during the pandemic
3. Truckers Convoy...Carney/Trudeau/Freeland = weaponizing finances by scaring people who gave to a group that they agreed with, even if it was just $50.00, the fear that their bank accounts would be frozen.
I don't think we want Carney as PM.
Trumps a bully nothing else, bullies aren’t a degree of strength, they display meaness nothing else.
Where did you get the term “bully”? Media. The media ecosphere we are learning is literally being paid for by the US deep state. Wikileaks found USAID were funding 6500 journalists worldwide. And there is a new discovery of “INTERNEWS” which might/will go even deeper.
We are all being manipulated. Check another conspiracy turned fact. WILD TIMES
Such a shame ppl continue to blame Trump for everything, they need to check their sources of their negative thinking (the Deep State did a number on the general population) so very sad
Name calling the duly elected, by a landslide, leader of the free world who is currently reshaping the global economic landscape to benefit citizens a bully is childish. You embarrass yourself.
Totally agree. The adult word is extortion and coercion.
Stop using the word "Bully" sounds childish. Bullies are found in grade school play yards. Find a better word
Wtf? Trumps a bully? Wtf about our pos PM doing what he's done the last 10 yrs? Wake the fuck up!
Trump is putting a stop to supporting other democratic countries. This is well within his right. The US has carried the load since the second world war and is just plain tired of being the country where the lives of young Americans are lost in a fight that is not relevant to the people in the US. He is probably equally tired of everyone hating the US.
You're right on all counts, however there's another road block you didn't address.
Until we have a PM with the stones to tell Quebec to either cooperate fully or get out, for real, all we will see is some half assed, watered down version of all the things you mention.
Do you think Pollievre will do that? I don't.
💯 Quebec is sitting on billions in minerals but somehow position themselves as a have not province. They’re taking billions in transfers while blocking Western resource development and inter-provincial trade. It’s time to call their bluff.
yes, Billions upon Billions and they do not play well in the Sand box with others. They want what's theirs and everything that belongs to every Province benefitting ONLY themselves a Separatist Province. They should not share in the wealth of other Provinces unless they share what's theirs. End of Story. End of Quebec Separatists
and they're holding other provinces to ransom using section 23 litigation to get billions and billions spend on french-language only schools.
I clearly remember the 1995 separatist referendum and how upset I was at the thought of Quebec leaving the confederation. I will most definitely not feel that way 30 years later if such a referendum were to happen again. In my job I've worked on legal matters involving French Canadians and they're no different than natives, sorry to say. I bet the drafters of the Charter never ever imagined the uses to which the legal system would put certain sections to the detriment of Canadians.
Canada is a failed experiment. The federal government, be it liberals or conservatives, can't exist without kowtowing to Quebec. It would be political suicide to change the constitution to allow all provinces to be treated equally.
The west should leave (peacefully, preferably) so that they aren't dragged down by the Laurentian Elites.
Poilievre is just the leader of the opposition at the moment. Why should he open his kimono, so to speak, and give the Liberals -- i.e., Carney -- all his great ideas. Poilievre is no dummy.
The Rothschilds gave Carney all his ideas. He’s the perfect globalist puppet, like Trudeau only Trudeau’s IQ couldn’t boil water. Go watch The Canadian Illusion on UTube and folks will see why Canadas the way it is. We’re nothing but a colony country of Britain
Carney's been playing Justin Trudeau's fiddle all along. No surprises
Good article. Really like the proposals you've made. Specifics are good.
My two cents for what it's worth. There's a process in place re: the upcoming election. Pierre and team have to keep this at the front of their minds. When the time is right, they will articulate the specifics.
Keep in mind we're running a marathon. Every time Trump or someone else goes off half-cocked, we can't fly off the handle and spout off. We'll quickly exhaust ourselves. We need a well-thought-out plan that gets us through the next two years and then the next five. If the CPC need two to three months to pull this together, that's fine. It just needs to be ready for the next election.
As for comments on this thread about Pierre not being a leader or not being populist enough, folks, remind yourself that about 80-90 percent of Canadians are in the centre of the political spectrum. This notion that Canada would ever get behind someone like Max Bernier is fantasy. The best we can hope for is a right-of-centre politician like Poilievre.
He's imperfect, to be sure, but when you compare him to Sheer, O'Toole and some of the other "conservatives" out there, he looks downright Maggie Thatcher.
Canada is not the US. That kind of freedom is just not in our DNA, so we have to make do with what we have, and Pierre is what we have at the moment. My sense is he's for economic dynamism, pushing back on the woke bullshit, and rebuilding Canada's military and institutions. As a right-of-centre conservative myself, I know we could do a whole lot worse.
Sorry Dan. Much of what you’ve said is right on, but fundamentally you’ve missed the point too. This is not about a trade war. That’s how Trudeau wants to frame it for support from the Trump deranged crowd. This is nothing more or less than what Trump said it was about. Vet our immigrants, control our borders, and stop the fentanyl flow to US. Done. No trade war.
Wow this is dynamite and right on target and hopefullhy Pollievre will see it and respond with everything you have mentoned he needs to take action and not try being nice and yes his slogans are getting a little old and tired let's see some real action and kick Trudeau's ass out the door and Ottawa
Problem Being Carney, he's been ANNOINTED (aka PLACED) whether JR actually finds his escape route and whether Trudeau JR finds his way our unscathed!
WOW well said ! It seems to me you are inviting Mr. Pollievre to take on the manner of Mr. Trump.
This is what needs to be done so lets just get at it. And you are correct. Most Canadians are afraid of their own shadow when it comes to politics and dealing with the medical profession. That's why we're in a deep hole with very straight sides. Canadians have to be NICE. NOT. If we don't quickly learn that as a people , never mind our leaders needing to learn it, we will cease to be Canada . We will become the "51st state " bc Mr. Trump wants what we've got in terms of natural resources , and he will get them if we don't wake up ,speak up and walk our talk.
The Premiers need to take your advice and stop going to Washington to beg and stay home and take care of the things that need to be taken care of. Quebec has to be told to either row with the rest of us or get out of the boat.
Hey Dan,
Great piece. Fully appreciate, respect and understand your righteous indignation.
However, you forgot the part that Twinkie and Carnivore are now wanting to join the EU. If China doesn't get to own "Canada," [they] are willing to sacrifice it to the EU. (This is when you picture Lord Farquar in Shrek willing to personally sacrifice the people). So basically, joining the United States of North America - BAD, cuz Orange Man, but, joining the EU - good. One can almost picture Ursula von de Lyin' licking her chops at this proposal.
Also, President Trump just signed the Deal of the Century with Japan regarding oil/gas, so there's that. Apparently he DID see a good business plan with this, eh.
In the case of President Trump being able to annex "Canada" being real (per Twinkie's open mic slip), tis weird how Poilievre is ALSO saying it.
"Canada" the Nation is an illusion.
"Canada" the Corporation is real.
Have ya dug on that fact yet?
Also, explain WHY it is such a bad thing to become part of the Greatest Nation on Earth that has:
- A Constitution with Teeth.
- A True Bill of Rights (NOT a Charter).
- A Plan to abolish income tax.
- A Plan to go back to sound, gold backed money.
- A Plan to bring prices down to resemble 1955 ones, where Mom got to stay home (her choice) to raise their children, and Dad didn't have to bust his balls in two jobs to pay for groceries.
- A Military that means business. Serious Business.
- REAL Patriotism.
- and is right now baring the bones of horrendous gubment over-spenditures. Yunno, to protect The People from being consistently hosed in a BY DESIGN (since 1913 in America, 1917 in "Canada") plan to keep them in impoverished slavery waiting in line for handouts and fully controlled.
a) The People - world wide - are about to find out EXACTLY how that all accommodated Human Trafficking, especially Children. Fasten your seat belts on this one and seriously, Hang Onto GOD!!
b) Up next - the IRS, NGOs, Foundations (think CF here), the Pentagon/DoD (911 exposure - where DID all those stolen TRILLIONS of dollars go?), the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, anything that has anything to do with the Global Initiative and the Green New SCAM, Medical, Insurance, Media, etc.
If you think for one minute "Canada" was a not a part of all of this, think again. May wanna do the way back machine to discover Global Affairs Canada's part in all of this and exactly how they promoted all the things the demonrats did, such as the alphabet soup mix, which was NEVER about LGB rights.
Interesting how Uranium One is coming into the news these days. When it was sold (and top skimmed) from the States, I wonder where the "holding facilities" were located before heading on over to nefarious places?
This is a bigger spider web than most can fathom or even understand, by design
Far bigger than getting Pierre to act like a Warrior for a nation that does not exist.
Dude: We want the Truth!
Other Dude: You can't HANDLE the Truth!
The People: Yes! Yes we can! We want the Truth, the WHOLE Truth, and nothing BUT the Truth!
So be it!
The Naked Truth is arising from the Well of Silence, with Purpose.
The Finely Dressed Lies, having being followed for decades by those enamored with the exquisite and expensive silks, linens and jewels, have had their day ridiculing the Naked Truth.
The Naked Truth has never promised to be pretty or easy to look at, but it does promise to showcase the tattered rags and faux pas gems of the Finely Dressed Lies.
We are here.
It is going to be a "Truman Show" exposure, mixed in with the The Matrix.
Place your trays in their upright positions, place all personal items under your seat, fasten your seat belts securely, and HOLD ON!
Keep Your Faith
Stand Fast
Remain Vigilant
And never, ever, quit.
Semper Fi
*Tips hat
A real plan for a real sovereign nation!
Dan, I agree with most of what you're saying. However, I don't think that Poilievre becoming more aggressive in his messaging is the way to go.
He's between a rock and a hard place. Becoming more aggressive is playing right into the Lieberal's hands, in my opinion.
I can just hear Trudeau and Carney saying... See, see he really is a Trump wanna-be.
All it would take now is after Carney is crowned and he delays any election until 2026, Canada is done. Alberta will go closely followed by Quebec.
Trump will then have his manifest destiny playing out.
Two months to go to see if we have a country with a future.
My thoughts exactly. Libs have set this up to destroy Polievres hard work last few years traveling the country inspiring hope in the working people.
Theres no real opposition in Canada. It’s a leftist uniparty that’s been captured at all levels by numerous entities - CCP, WEF, UN, etc. The country is so broken. Thinking that electoral reform is going to fix it is magical thinking at this point
I recall in late 2020 when I said “it’s going to have to get much worse before people wake up”. I’m not sure how much worse it can get. Perhaps people it’s still not tangible or real enough for people. Maybe they need to personally experience the things coming down the pipeline before they do something. But even then, what do they/we do? At this point I think the best thing we can do is work locally, get ourselves in optimal health (mental, emotional and physical), detach from the system as much as possible and be there for people when the shit really hits the fan.
Pierre is having a rally, February 15th, and the expectation is that he will outline, in more detail, his plan. This rally seems to be the start of the election campaign, so lets hear what he has to say.
While I do understand the point the author makes overall, the problem with the thesis is that Trump is not the problem. That ignores the fact that there is a freely negotiated agreement in place for free trade, which was negotiated and lauded by Trump. It would be totally legitimate for any of the parties to that agreement to indicate they don't want to renew and also to make a deal to exit.
You can still get audio clips of the President claiming it was the best deal ever negotiated. Was that wrong?
I just heard Poilievre speak….that is exactly what he is promoting - Canadian independence. He wants more internal trade between provinces and trade with other countries besides America. He wants more pipelines and LNG so our oil and gas can go to world markets.
Maxime Bernier is Canada's leader.
Why would Pierre outline his entire plan when every minor idea that he’s proposed the Liberals have stolen and run with it? He’s got to wait for election campaigning. Otherwise the Libs will just put his ideas in place to win an election and then destroy Canada once and for all.