I don’t think Canadians are going to accept this unelected poser as PM - Definitely NOT MY PM

Totally agree though; Liberals threw away the only real change candidate in Ruby Dhalla

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Really seems un democratic that less then 152000 picked our PM , rules should be changed that if the PM steps down , there is an immediate general election.

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But Trusniffler did not step down immediately. He suspended parliament so this sniveley 🤡 could hide his financial situation and dance around the issues.

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True , and yes i agree , he froze government to hide, and not have to give the slush fund documents over, i do hope that Canadians stop looking at what Trump is doing , and start paying attention to our own government, cause they are the ones that are really going to screw us, and say its for our good …

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Stepping off the airplane straight to PM is a bad look. One even our media can't put a gloss on.

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Well, I hate to say I told you so - actually, that's a lie - but I did wonder how Carney didn't even bother to practice his execrable French or any appropriate replies for the French-speaking debate between the Liberal candidates.

It was as obvious as the substantial acquiline hooter on Trudeau's face that Carney had already been chosen 'by God', anointed and the T-shirts were printin'. I wonder the other prospective Liberal Party leaders even bothered to turn up.

Well, I sure hope Canada has got its native geese in a row for Poilievre this time. Carney will screw you right royally during his term and forever thereafter if he's allowed.

Please don't let him win.

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The real purpose of this leadership “contest” was to pull in $350k in donations from the base per candidate to fill party coffers.

These are liberals

Follow the money.

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As with any politician, sadly.

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Nothing 'historic' just a massive ruse at the taxpayers expense. Another WEF win and what's next will be a level of hell that when the sheeple DO awaken, I look forward to screaming, TOLD YOU SO! The comments on newsfeeds are a clear indication of how much the mainstream media has succeeded in brainwashing the masses who've lost the ability to apply critical thinking, if some ever had it at all. Sad day, yet no surprise.

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Good job Dan. Let’s pray for an election.

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Now for the first order of business tomorrow as leader and defacto PM Carney will ask Trudeau to stay on as his “transition advisor” for as long as it takes… and bingo we have Trudeau as the parliamentary mouthpiece for the unelected un-seated PM Carney. Justin has vast experience as a mouthpiece as he’s done the job already for ten years! He’s always been just the frontman for the Carney WEF string pullers, so nothing really changes. JT isn’t going anywhere. Second order of business will probably be to declare an economic emergency and bring in another EA measures theatrical production in order to cancel any upcoming election, thus securing the unelected PMs dictatorship indefinitely or until Canada is completely destroyed economically or we are invaded by the states or China. The playbook is far too predictable. The fate of Canada is now firmly in the grasp of an unelected leader and the nefarious NGO in Switzerland who are driven to make us the first net zero bug eating vaccinated zombie gulag state as a benchmark for the world. Get ready to go back to the dark ages Team Canada, your 15 minute utopia awaits! Rations of Canadian only GMO lab grown paste along with a gallon of fluoridated liquid will be available Fridays right after your electronically deposited lifetime EI benefits are available.. as long as you haven’t been using Twitter through a VPN. They will be watching. Not to worry though, we’re all in this together.. right? Lol.

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My favourite is them acting like it’s a surprise. Anyone with half a brain could see he was being placed. There was never a choice.

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He’s got about as much appeal as a rusty nail and will get destroyed in the election debates, especially in French

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Can't believe that CARNEY used the old PQ Separatist "Maitres Chez Nous' line.

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I heard Kamela was supposed to win Iowa by 12 points! Yup, I don't believe it for a second. The Liberals are dead.

Here comes the Unite the Left movement.

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Out with the old Boss, in with the new boss. Same as the old boss.

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I could hear the champage popping in Davos As Klaus Schwab celebrating today. Another win for globalist corrupt scum And canadian obedient sheeple clapping like seals.

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Thanks again Dan for your commentary! This whole thing is a carefully orchestrated Liberal sham with the help of the “Liberal paid for media”! Not only do they manipulate the Carney narrative they don’t even cover any of Pierre’s policy announcements or events. But, as most Canadians see through all of this BS, these so called “non bias” media outlets will have their day of reckoning and it will be some interesting times watching them (CBC) squirm as their funding is cut!! Go Pierre! 🙏

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CARNEY got lots of applause from the audience. They must have stacked it with CBC Employees.

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They were all lieberal hacks. Spending their $$$ on a looser.

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no bueno. Hopefully he has a Kim Campbell type of tenure. he's a bad man.

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Just keep it in the WEF family . The destruction of Canada will continue unabated with this limp nobody doing the WEFs bidding .

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Anybody remember Michael Ignatieff?

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Yup 😂

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If there is an election Carney may call emergency because of tariffs

Then we may have to wait till 2026. Meanwhile the damage is done and he walks away .

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