That mansion MUST be sold. List it tomorrow. $42,000 a month of taxpayer money so this ex journalist buddy of slimeball Trudeau can live large in NYC on MY DIME is a furious NO!!!! SELL IT right out from under this guy, rescind the appointment and send him back to Canada to face charges for stealing Canadian Taxpayer money. Jolie also must go. ALL of these sleazeballs have to GET OUT OF Government. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

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Thank you. Keep up the good work. You will never be without a story under these scammers. By now the committees are disclosing millions upon millions in scams. This is one of many.

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Expose the Conservatives for who they are, Traitors. Rona Ambrose, Jean Charest, Stephanie Kusie and Jeffery Epstein are all former members of the Trilateral Commision. Epstein and upstanding guy I hear.

Kusie is a current member. The role of the Commiasion. One World Governent. They don't even hide their contempt for Canadians and the Country. The Cons brought us FIPA hence the Chinese police stations. Receipts.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilateral_Commission

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Absolutely shameful, while the street in Ottawa (at least) is full of panhandling.

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It’s surprise that you would write this piece, the facts you have presented are correct to the extent you have reported. Surprisingly you have omitted in your cost calculations the proceeds of the existing residence which by all partisan reports is greater than the $9m cost of new.

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Well, for one thing, the existing residence hasn’t even been sold yet. So, to talk about the "proceeds" as if they’re already in the bank is jumping the gun. And let’s be real here, if we’re going to nitpick the details, let’s talk about what we do know. The new condo has a golf simulator and luxurious amenities, but the stated purpose of this place is to host trade delegations. That was the excuse given—Global Affairs claimed the old facility didn’t have a kitchen that could accommodate a chef.

Here’s the kicker: they haven’t even hired a chef! Every one of the 30 or so events held in this condo has been catered. So the claim about needing a specialized kitchen for a chef? Completely irrelevant.

And let’s break down the numbers: this new residence is about 2,800 square feet, but only 800 square feet is used for the so-called purpose of "hosting." That means, as taxpayers, we’re footing the bill for the other two-thirds of the condo that is essentially Clark's luxury living space. So yes, we’re paying for Mr. Clark to live the high life while ordinary Canadians struggle. And that’s not a detail we can afford to ignore.

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It’s not sold. They did not sell before they bought. They don’t know how much they will get.

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