Bravo. The Conservatives Larry Brock and Garnett Genuis BRAVO. There’s not a grift the LIBERALS can pass up.

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I'm just gonna say it: there has to be an end to this indigenous spending grift. Currently on the table is a 42 billion dollar package for some kind of indigenous health care or something. "The Draft Agreement on Long-Term Reform for First Nations Child and Family Services aims to support First Nations children and families and keep them together with the necessary funding and support. Learn more at https://afn.ca/events/sca-fncfs/. #ForOurChildren" 42 billion. which will end up being double that. How does that kind of dough directed towards a tiny fraction of the population and awarde solely on race compare to what is spent on the children of taxpayers, or "settlers" if you want to use the current derogatory terminology. what kind of checks and balances are there to ensure that funding of that magnitude ends up where it is intended. My guess is NONE.

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