Interesting... makes you wonder if a good portion of the motivation for Carney to be PM is Immunity.

Carney won't be PM for long, if he wins the Libs nomination. Will be wonderful to watch the Libs heads explode.

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Great article , Carney is a non-starter, and all who push him should be punished.

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There is no good Liberal pick.

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Trump hates people like Mark Carney and will take great pleasure in destroying him. Canada will be collateral damage and suffer the consequences.

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I like like Pollievre precisely bc he is a strong leader and i think could take on Trump.

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Pierre has a knack for eviscerating leftist leaders and reporters. Give him an apple and watch him go.

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Why are you still focussing on the red herring?? He would be far better advised to do what Trump is asking for: clean up our mess. Kick out the Chinese mafia. That just by itself will be unbelievably disruptive, and require a very ruthless approach, because they have bought and threatened and manipulated their way right up into the top levels of governments at every level. But in doing so, just that, the alliance with Mexican cartels, drug and human trafficking, money laundering, real estate pricing crisis, government influence, collapses. If you think that fentanyl bust amounts are a measure to compare against Mexico’s to justify looking south and feeling wounded here because theirs are worse? Think again. These gangsters have been at it so long here, (over 30 years) they don’t have to ship the drug. Precursors for manufacture into fentanyl elsewhere aren’t illegal and wouldn’t show up. Now, it’s things like large-scale pill pressers-also not illegal and wouldn’t show up. If we overhauled our bureaucracy-brought the DOGE north-how long before our ballooning bureaucracy and deficits also disappeared? We need to do the same as Trump is doing in the States. And it will be painful, and all the trough-gobblers will scream and shout ‘barbaric! Undemocratic! People will die’ etc just as you hear from all the unproductive bureaucrats and embezzlers getting pulled off the tit in the States. Long overdue-there AND here.

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I’m sending this to my right-leaning American cousins. Maybe even one of Trump’s sites. If there was a case to drop Trudeau down a mineshaft as an act of heroism to save Canada, there’s an even more urgent need to do it to Carney before he gets into power and strangles us. If you read how Hitler took over Germany’s political structure, it was with the same kind of hidden slimy manipulation as Carney has used to gain power in Canada. By the time the people realized it in Germany, they couldn’t even mount a successful assassination attempt. I see the real possibility of NO election in Canada: not this spring, not this fall, or 2026, possibly not until this government is forcibly removed. I foresaw this before Trudeau play-acted ‘resigning’: I knew that psycho wasn’t going to pull his claws out of power willingly; watch for Carney to retain him as Deputy PM-anybody heard from Freeland lately? I thought not. All this was planned out ages ago by the shadows who really run our politics, just as you’ve laid out the chess moves for Trump here. I’m sure there are ‘Plans B and C’ depending on how this rolls.

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I've been thinking that a coup by Trudeau and Corney is in the works. They are both slippery eels.

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Oh yes. Carney is Trudy’s mentor.

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Face Trump…seriously??? We need a leader that will work with Trump.

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Trump has declared war on the Global Socialists and this includes Kanadastan. He knows who Americas enemies are. Buckle up because it will get worse first. The Conservatives would do well to purge their ranks of any hint of CCP/PRC influence.

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Did I hear that Trudeau/Carney want to sell our oil and gas to China?

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Plausible scenario except it would more than likely force the Liberals to resort to the EA.

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Bravo! Make Canada a great opera!

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Facts please not statements.

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Here’s the link to Poilievre accepting Musk’s endorsement. https://youtube.com/shorts/zpE9HqveXag?si=ctOKE2CMxZRde3Ui

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@danknight doesn’t like my comments so he deletes them. I guess freedom of speech only pertains to him and those who agree with him.

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And here’s Orban thanking Harper. https://images.app.goo.gl/AQMiPYp76zLCW8kt7

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And here’s an article from Princeton Political Review documenting Orban’s departure from Democratic ideals, which parallels to the USA today. With Harper’s ties to IDU, The Heritage Foundation, and the Conservative Party of Canada, it’s easy to see the direction Poilievre would take us if elected. No to Poilievre. https://www.princetonpoliticalreview.org/international-news/viktor-orbns-hungary-corruption-repression-amp-democratic-backsliding

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Still no facts. Facts, not nuances please?

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So a video of Poilievre saying he’d like to get Musk to set up shop in Canada tells you he didn’t accept the endorsement? Saying he wanted to introduce his son to Musk isn’t accepting the endorsement? If he wasn’t accepting the endorsement, he’d say so. He was proud of it and if you saw the video you’d see it.

There’s nothing nuanced about either of the links I sent. The picture of Harper shaking Orban’s hand was 2023, not twelve years ago. Harper is the chairperson of IDU, an organization committed to inserting Conservative governments into countries around the world, regardless of whether they are, as is trump, chopping away freedoms.

If you find similar truths about Carney, post them, but not opinions like dan knight posts. I want actual footage of his words as I provided you about Harper and Poilievre. That way there’s no mistaking the truth of the matter.

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Did you watch the video and see Poilievre say he’d like Musk to open shop in Canada? Or see the picture of Harper being thanked by Orban? That’s not nuance. That’s fact. It’s right there. I challenge you to follow the links. And if you want facts. Where are the facts in Dan Knight’s article? It’s extremely biased.

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Your statement was that Poillievre accepted an endorsement? I saw him agree with certain Musk opinions. No official acceptance. Orban thanking Harper 16 years ago? Relevant now? I would love to see someone dig deep into Carney’s background. Please let us know what you can verify. Lots to uncover.

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When you see it, believe it. Not accepting an endorsement would be to say, “I don’t want to accept an endorsement from the likes of Musk.” Instead he talks about Musk setting up shop in Canada.

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Poilievre talked about encouraging Musk to set up shop in Canada. That’s acceptance. If you don’t turn down the endorsement, you’ve accepted it.

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Give your head a good shake, will you. Wake up call! Facts not your imaginary facts. Real facts.

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Orban thanked Harper July 2023. That’s not 12 years ago.

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Facts? ‘Lots to uncover’ is rather general.

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