We MUST pressure the BQ, NDP and Conservatives to force a non-confidence vote asap. I don’t care which Party you back but all three of them need to feel pressure from WE, the voters that they MUST do something in September to END this disastrous Government before there is nothing left of Canada to save. Trudeau is insanely STILL spending money we do not have on costly ideological GREEN idiocy and silly social programs that are so poorly implemented they fail. Prescriptions, dental and now school lunches. All failures. We MUST get the deficit down, the tax $$$$ we are spending is $81.8 BILLION per year on interest alone on $2.1 TRILLION of debt. Non-confidence is an understatement. Get the Liberals GONE. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

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For the second time in my life a “Trudeau” has made my life/employment exceedingly difficult.

As an entrepreneur we have developed a process which facilitates corrosion protection of oilfield infrastructure when it is shutdown for layup. This protection is mandated by regulation.

Our operating costs have doubled even as remuneration has been stagnant. This makes viability doubtful. Economic conditions have also forced our customers into “shutting in” huge sections of natural gas production infrastructure.

This is the reality of the incompetent Justin Trudeau’s “Marxist” regime following In the despotic tradition of Stalin, Mao, and Castro- “Ideology ahead of reality.”

We need to stop the current terrorist chaos in our streets, the passive apathy of our law enforcement who are afeared of being called racist , and the self serving efforts of the current government and their continuous synthesis of scandals .

Canada needs an election NOW. As citizens we need to push hard for a vote of non-confidence.

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Trudeau wasn't just cranking up immigration to boost GDP, if you look at the programs he revamped and expanded after the Truckers Convoy, one could argue that he was using mass immigration to exact revenge on the truckers and sympathetic Canadians who had made him look cowardly, weak and finally cruel.

Even with the decline in home prices, immigrant Canadians are still overpaying for homes only because they are confident they can meet their mortgage payments by packing the homes or basements with international students. They don't realize that house prices would drop to a more manageable level if housing programs prohibited carving up homes into many rental units.

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